Written By
M Bilal Masood
Monday, December 26, 2022
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There are about 350 species of parrots in the world today, and the most of them are found in Australia, Africa, Central and South America, and other tropical and subtropical regions. Long kept as pets, parrots are renowned for both their talkative prowess and their breathtakingly vivid and vibrant colours. Continue reading to learn about the most stunning parrots in the world and where to find them.
Rainbow Lorikeet
The rainbow lorikeet is undoubtedly one of the most attractive parrots in the entire world. It is clear where they receive their name from the gorgeous green, orange, and blue feathers on their bodies. In Tasmania, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, where they are introduced species, rainbow lorikeets reside in coastal woodlands and rainforests. They are endemic to Australia. They typically move and dwell in pairs, fiercely protecting their nesting and feeding grounds from other birds. Only the female rainbow lorikeet tends the nest, which is located in the hollows of palm and eucalyptus trees.
Crimson Rosella
In addition to being an imported species in New Zealand and Norfolk Island, crimson rosellas are native to Australia. They have quite long tails and are medium-sized parrots. The body colour of crimson rosellas is a brilliant red, and the wings and tail feathers are purple-blue. They are primarily found in woodlands and forests along the coast and in the mountains, and they favour moister forest regions. Although red rosellas spend the day foraging in trees, bushes, and on the ground, they spend the night roosting on some of the highest tree branches. For the first six days of their life, only the female of a crimson rosella feeds the chicks, which are laid in hollows in tree trunks. But after the first week, feeding responsibilities are split between the parents.Despite having a few predators, including owls, goshawks, and peregrine falcons, crimson rosellas are not thought to be in danger.
Sun Conure
Sun conures are among the parrots with the most striking plumage, with brilliant yellow-orange bodies and green wings and tails. The small South American countries of north Brazil, southern Guyana, southern Suriname, and southern French Guiana are home to the sun conures, which prefer a tropical environment. Due to their high levels of sociality, these parrots frequently gather in sizable flocks of up to 30 birds. Sun conures are extremely quick flyers and typically never leave their flock .They frequently travel great distances in a single day in search of food, and when flying, they are very vociferous. Unfortunately, habitat destruction and the fact that many of them have been caught for the pet trade have led to their status as an endangered species.
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